Thursday, October 23, 2008

Internet Marketing Services

How To Start A Business With $Zero

Often times I will meet new internet marketers on different forums and they really want to make the big bucks like some of the veteran internet marketers, like Bryan Kumar or Yanik Silver. The thing is most of these "newbies" have only the minutest ideas on where to begin. Most of them dont want to spend the money it takes to get started and some just simply do not have the start up capital they need. Whatever the case may be, it is nearly impossible to start an online business without any start up capital, because you will need the basics such as a domain and web hosting. So, in this article I will give you some information on starting out with no start up capital.

The first thing you want to do, and this is also the most important, is to make a list of all yours skills. What types of things do you know about? Think of things that you do everyday. Is there something you already know that might be helpful? For example, you may know a different language than english, you may quilt with your grandma on Sunday, or perhaps you go fishing and are pretty good at catching fish. You can build your internet business on things that you know just from everyday living. You already possess the knowledge therefore you do not have to pay someone to teach you anything.

With these things in mind, if you do not have the money to get started then, you need to earn a little bit of capital using the skills that you already possess or have the knowledge of. You could write articles for someone who has the daunting task but would rather not do it. If you own a product you can trade your product for things like your domain or web hosting. Bartering is a good way to get the things you need to get started. You will find many people out there that have things they need done but dont want to do it for various reasons. You can do these things in exchange for the things you need all you have to do is ask!

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